Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tired of Being Tired?

Fatigue is one of the top three symptoms that patients mention to their doctor. Remember when we were little kids and were full of energy, never wanted to rest, and made every adult tired by the end of the day. Then came the teenage years and many of us started to get a little tired. Soon after that came work and we struggled through by drinking coffee, and other caffeine filled drinks. As we felt more tired it became difficult to function as well and parts of our bodies started to ache and even brake down. Eventually we check off the box, fatigue, when we visit our doctor. We smile less and swear we’ll catch up on sleep the next night. Unfortunately, many of us have a challenging time sleeping in the first place.Let me start by saying, it’s not your fault. We have been continuously marketed to and misinformed by good intentioned people that are less knowledgeable about how are bodies actually function.What can we do? Is there some way to turn this around and increase our energy without resorting to medications? Is there a natural way that really helps?There are four major factors that will help almost everyone feel better and less fatigued.The first is change the food that we eat. I suggest something very different than most people have ever thought about. Any type of food that we eat is turned into fuel for our bodies and if you break it down it eventually becomes energy. So we need to start thinking about food from an energy point of view. No more fads just basic principles of nature and we’ll all feel less tired, have more energy and enjoy life more. Before you put a food in your mouth, think about whether it will give you energy or take it away.Nutritionists, chiropractors, holistic health counselors and functional medicine health practicioners can usually help with this one.The foods that will give energy are live, raw foods that have all of their nutrients, as well as their vital enzymes still intact. These types of foods will take much less effort from your body to break down and turn into energy and building blocks for you. I know that many people hear raw and they are confused by it but it’s just a natural state for us to eat foods in. What about meat, chicken and fish? Now you know one of the reasons we are so tired. We eat animal proteins , which are very difficult for us to break down. Whether they are cooked or not, animal protein has been researched countless times and is one of the leading culprits in disease. That does not mean I am saying you should never have animal protein but now you will make a more educated decision when meal time comes along.The second thing we need to increase our energy and get rid of fatigue is more clean water. Good old water, which is used in all of our chemical reactions in the body and makes up 70-80% of our bodies. It is a major source of energy and yet we continue to ignore it and drink flavored and colored sugar water and expect the same results. Try washing your car with some of the drinks that you use and see what happens. Fooling ourselves into thinking that our beverages are ok because they contain water is draining us more every day. Increase your water intake for 30 days and see how many of your complaints go away. It is one of the easiest changes we can make, but remember that clean spring water is the most natural for us to consume. Water from most taps contains chlorine, fluoride and possibly other chemicals which are not health for us in any quantity. So increase your clean water and let me know how you feel. I know as a chiropractor, my practice members feel different when they are drinking water regularly.The third factor for increasing our energy levels is even more basic and really easy to get. It’s all around us but sometimes we feel like we can’t get enough. It’s oxygen or air which we breathe in every minute of the day. Our hearts pump about 100,000 times per day and this pumps blood with oxygen to every cell in the body. How long could we live without oxygen? Beside some miracle case, the average person would have severe brain damage after 5-8 minutes without oxygen, so now you understand why not having the right amount could slow us down. We take it for granted but increasing our oxygen consumption can really increase many of our body functions and help us out in the energy department. It’s used in every reaction in our bodies and not having the correct amount could slow down the engine dramatically. Seems kind of obvious but what should we do about it. There are a couple of way we can affect it. One is to increase our aerobic exercise which most people are aware of. This will increase oxygen during the exercise as well as the capacity of the lungs, heart and cells after the exercise. Spinning (cycling), running, walking, swimming, some forms of yoga as well as dancing and many other activites will increase your aerobic capacity. There are guided breathing exercises that are less intense and still increase you oxygen. There are even machines that will pump oxygen into your system. Bottom line is that we need to increase our consumption of oxygen as well as our capacity to absorb and use it in our bodies. As a Chiropractor I can help practice members with this, but personal trainers, physical therapists, exercise physiologists, acupuncturists and some other health providers focus on this factor.Often we feel too tired to do these activities but shortly after we make them habit we notice how much more energy we have.The fourth and most important way to increase our energy and defeat fatigue is keeping our nervous system free of interference. Wellness experts have finally recognized that the brain, spinal cord and all of the nerves are the energy and communication system of the body. Researchers now understand the link between all other functions of the human body and this super highway of information and any loss of messaging will lead to dysfunction in countless ways. One of the first signs may be through fatigue of the body. It’s like having a toy when you were a child and as the batteries started to lose their power the toy worked slower and sometimes lasted for a while. This concept has been around in many other cultures and healing arts for thousands of years. I believe because the brain and entire nervous system is so complex and difficult to see and study, it has been mostly ignored. In the past few decades, advancements in understanding how it works and how we can keep it health are finally upon us. Eliminating toxic information that we subconsciously repeat, increasing positive peaceful messages and continuing to become aware of emotions and thoughts that we think or say become vital. From mind exercises, removing toxins, meditation, active life-long learning, clearing the mind as well as health disciplines like chiropractors, acupuncturists, yoga instructors, and mind-body healers that focus on the nervous system, we can finally take care of our nervous systems and be healthy, live longer and truly enjoy the new quality of life that we all deserve.Now make a plan to incorporate these four factors into your daily lives and see your energy soar. Take baby steps if you need to and remember that you it’s not your fault if this is new to you. Now that you are becoming more aware of how you can increase your energy, it’s time to start living life like you always new you could.If you need more specific information on any of these four factors for energy please feel free to sign up for my newsletter on my website or contact me.
Dr. Edward Beck
Advanced Chiropractic Center

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Truth About The Healthcare Reform Debate

Thank you for the statement Senator Edward Kennedy. It is well thought out and makes some excellent points. I feel obligated to clear up some of the points made and hopefully add some real value.
There are many places that the comments show that the words medicine and healthcare are interchangeable. They are clearly not and it is not simply semantics. This is a common practice and shines a light on how conditioned we have become by the industrial complex known as medicine. A search online on the history of the monopolizing power of medicine will make anyone that cares to look, aware of how deep rooted the problems truly are.
As well meaning as Senator Kennedy may be, unfortunately the change that is vital will not come about with the same mindset that sub-consciously and perniciously pervades our brains.
Preventing disease is quite different from creating health. The term preventive medicine is an oxymoron that is accepted as normal. Medicine was never designed to create health and wellness, yet it also never allowed any other type of practitioners to focus in this area. Medical education is one spoke in the wheel of the healthcare system and has attempted to dominate the market place for over a century by assuming that the term medicine is all encompassing. There are many healthcare providers that are extremely well trained in the healing arts and science, that do not go through the traditional medical model of education. That lack of awareness of this in the statement shows that Senator Kennedy may not have a complete grasp of why the system is broken in the first place.
Early and possibly free tests are nothing new and usually are code words for someone else paying. It also usually means that the treatments options will be increases in dispensing medicine and surgeries. Using words like wellness but not understanding them become buzz terms for marketing firms yet do nothing to actually help right the ship.
Big pharma, which has destroyed any idea of Americans taking responsibility for their own outcomes, our corrupt agricultural businesses and stock price driven insurance companies are too powerful and insidious for any reform to add up to much. As we watch oil prices rise and fall, Americans are having their attention diverted as hundreds of thousands of people die because of medical mistakes every year in this country. The miracle of modern medicine brings back memories from The Wizard Of Oz with the man behind the curtain. At this point in our history it is imperative that we make it a Health Revolution.
We need to join together as health providers of all disciplines, consumers and leaders to go through the most difficult challenge we will face in our lifetimes. Empowering people to realize that they can create health largely by the decisions they make day to day. A large part of the Revolution should include a spoke of the wheel being in charge of the wellness arena that is separate and distinct from medicine yet working for the ultimate benefit of the patient.
There are several highly trained health providers that have been leading the charge to health and wellness. They consist of Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Holistic Health Counselors, Licensed Massage Therapists, Holistic Medical Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and many others. Much of this change has been driven by individuals taking responsibility and helping others by self training in many health related areas such as nutrition and energy healing to name just two.
Chiropractors that are positioning themselves as holistic healers have been leading the wellness charge for decades and have been experiencing astonishing results naturally, without drugs or surgery.
This article is not intended to have all the answers or a complete plan laid out, but it is necessary to be clear about the rhetoric that is being presented to the American people and let people know that there is a new paradigm growing every day.
I understand that this article will come up against much opposition and I look forward to continuing the conversation respectfully with any one that so chooses.
Dr. Edward Beck
Advanced Chiropractic Center

Increase Your Energy 100%

If there’s one thing that the large majority of patients I see would like to have help with, it’s increasing their energy. How’s your energy? I mean before the second cup of coffee or foo foo drink from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. Are you fatigued? Fatigue is one of the most common complaints in any doctor’s office. Chronic fatigue has become a household phrase. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is becoming one of the most common yet misunderstood diagnoses in America today. There are many reasons for having a lack of energy. Working too many hours, emotional stress, health conditions and even too much late night tv when your favorite show is on. However, there is a very common factor in fatigue. The good news is that there is a simple way to increase your energy and it’s effective and incredibly easy. So what is it?
Remember when you went to a school dance and the boys stood on one side and girls on the other side of the room? Everyone was nervous and wanted to talk to other people but their legs felt like concrete. Your heart was beating faster and you could not think of what to say.
Then the music started. After a few minutes, one of your favorite songs came on and you and your friends looked at each other and were nervous and excited. The next few minutes were a little bit of a blur but the next thing you knew you were standing across from a person and you were both moving your legs, arms and body awkwardly to the beat.
I’m back from my daydream. Thanks for joining me. The point is that there was what we call a catalyst. The music somehow started a reaction inside that helped move everyone across the floor. There is a major catalyst in our bodies that is similar to the most amazing music. It’s called enzymes. Digestive enzymes break down the food into nutrients that we need for every function in our bodies. They have been called the spark of life by some scientists. The food we eat is packed full of these tiny spark plugs. Food comes with enzymes so you can break it down while using very little of your own. This allows you to conserve your energy for other functions. Meanwhile, we consume large amounts of energy drinks and caffeine to get through the day.
So how do we increase our energy 100%? First, we need to start eating whole foods and make sure most of them are fresh and not cooked, micro-waved etc. The second thing we need to do is increase our fresh, clean water intake. Both of these are the easiest and most effective ways to increase your energy through the roof. Try this for one week and let me know how you feel.
Interested in one more great way to increase your energy? Check out our upcoming articles on increasing energy.
Create great health!

The Truth About Weight Loss

Are you one of the millions of people that struggle with your weight? Have you tried to lose weight only to be disappointed again. Have you been told that it’s your thyroid, metabolism or family genetics? It’s not your fault if you have fallen for these excuses. They are very rarely the issue but easy to sell products to people when they believe this. Well then this article is going to open your eyes and dispel the myths about weight loss.
Every year on January 1st the number 1 resolution is to join a weight loss program. And there are millions that don’t even make the resolution. One year later, 95% of the people that actually followed through with the resolution have gained back the weight that they lost over the year. Even more unfortunate is that most if not all have actually gained a higher ratio of fat. Many of the weight loss companies are aware of this trend yet chose not to focus on long term results. Weight loss tips come from some of the craziest ideas. Now you can learn some of the simple secrets of managing your weight forever.
One of the major issues in weight gain is that we eat foods that are full of empty calories. This means that the food often has little nutrients that our bodies need to run. Chips, cookies, sweets and other junk food lack these vital nutrients and your body stays hungry literally. Scientists have also identified what happens when we eat food that “burns” up quickly like refined carbohydrates. An example of this is white bread, pasta, and white rice as well as the sweets. It is similar to putting a piece of cardboard on a fire. It burns very quickly. In our bodies, this creates an insulin surge. This happens because insulin is a hormone that transports sugar molecules into your cells. When you have high amounts of sugar and the insulin can only bring so much into the cells the excess sugar is stored as fat and also damages arteries, nerves and other organs of the body.
So what can we do about this? One of the most simple gameplans is to learn the Glycemic Index and conquer the battle once and for all. The basic format is eating nutrient dense foods that are made up of quality carbohydrates, proteins and a good dose of fiber. Eating your fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries and quality proteins is a big start to letting the furnace in your body burn the fuel slowly.
Your metabolism is key. Muscle dictates your rate of metabolizing and that means we need to increase our muscle tone in order to burn the sugar and fat. There is one way to do this so you can keep the weight off as well as increase your energy ten fold. It’s that dirty word called exercise.
Check out our article on what type of exercise and how much is truly best for weight loss. My guess is that you’ll be surprised by the answers!!
Create Great Health!
Dr. Edward Beck
Advanced Chiropractic Center

Do We Really Need Supplements?

I think you can decide for yourself once we go over some basic understanding of the needs of our bodies. Health supplementation has been around formally for almost one hundred years. There are some cultures that having been using herbal supplements for thousands of year.
Let’s start with the concept of what food gives us. In addition to all of the traditions and social reasons for eating, food gives us the fuel our body needs to run on. It is made up of nutrients that we use as building blocks. It has minerals and trace minerals and other essential components for all of the functions that cells, organs and systems of the body use to work every second of every day. Another important component which is often ignored is the enzymes inherent in all foods that assist in breaking it down into the perfect makeup to be used by the person that eats it.
Let’s go over some of the issues that we have with our foods currently that may make supplements important. The first one is that most people get their nutritional advice from TV advertisers. Unfortunately, our basic understanding of food and nutrition is sadly lacking so it has been virtually ignored for decades. Much of our food today is made in a lab and does not even come close to the type of food that our grandparents put in their mouths. There are chemicals, processed ingredients, and artificial colors and flavors which most of our ancestors rarely experienced if at all. We have been taught to pay close attention to calories or amounts but have completely ignored the actual quality of the foods.
I will give you a very simple way of looking at food which will help change your view forever. Food is alive and when we eat it we absorb the energy in the form of all the nutrients and transform it into energy that we can use. It takes a certain specific energy which is similar to the gasoline in your car. The car has to have a certain type of fuel in order to have the chemical reactions take place to make it go. What would happen if you put freshly squeezed organic orange juice in the tank? How about a gallon of the finest wine? The point is that if they did not process the gas correctly so that it was the correct grade it would not make the car move.
So assuming that we all eat extremely well then we should get all of the nutrients that we need to function optimally and we would not need supplements. Well the problem is that I am still waiting to meet the person who eats so well. Some of the obvious issues like fast food and junk food as well as processed food are lacking this vital energy. The gasoline is not the right grade to run our engines.
Another major problem is that our top soil which we grow our foods in is being used to quickly for it to replenish itself adequately. This leads to food which looks fine but has less nutrient value than it did years ago.
So do we really need supplements? Watch this short video and decide for yourself.

Feel free to “Ask the Doctor” and get your questions answered.
Create Great Health!
